9:20 PM

GWIBT: A Whole Bunch of Games!


A little game TormentX and I play while chatting is "Guess what I bought today?" or GWIBT for short. Now with 'GWIBT' more often than not the conversation would centre around video games. Since we at the Text Adventure do not shy away from game and game related purchases, this is our venue to share them with the world. This week was a particularly interesting one for purchases and finds, so without further ado, GWIBT:

  • The Chronicals of Riddick: Assault on Dark Athena: Ever since the Xbox 360 announced that certain games would be backwards-compatible on the system I wished that Chronicals of Riddick: Escape From Butcher Bay would make the cut. Unfortunatly, due to developer Starbreeze's programming magic, it was all but impossible to make it on the 360. Fortunatly good things come to those who wait, so not only did Starbreeze create an all-new Riddick adventure to the Xbox 360, but they also brought Butcher Bay along for the ride, updated, and on the same disk! For me this wil be one of my Games of the Year just based on the strength of Butcher Bay alone!
  • Yakuza: This purchase came out of nowhere today. I was poking my head in the used PS2 games at my local EB when low and behold, there was a copy of the first Yakuza, and for $10 no less! This will match nicely with my Yakuza 2 which I recently purchased and wrote about here at Text Adventure
  • Resident Evil: Outbreak: Another PS2 and Resident Evil game for the collection. The 'Outbreak' games have been increasingly difficult to find in my town since the release of RE5, so when i saw it today, I snagged it! Not in the greatest shape, but beggars can't be chosers.
  • Chrono Trigger: Last but not least, I picked up Chrono Trigger for my DSi yesterday. I have had an increasing interest in J-RPG's of late, especially now with all the access I have to portable ones on my DSi. I thought Chrono Trigger was a good bet as it doesn't have scads of history surrounding it, plus it is well spoke of amonst gamers and pundints alike. This game too I had dificulty tracking down, but now it is safely in my possesion!

Now that is a pretty good haul for one week, and I didn't even get into my DSi purchase. More on that though when I discuss DSi Ware.



Comment (1)

Score! You did manage to get some great stuff there, I need to come to your EB! lol

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