8:21 PM

Street Fighter IV Hype, Bitten by the Bug


It is funny how I can get sucked into the hype. A week ago I had no interest in buying Street Fighter IV, bit a few podcast, twitter feeds, and all-around hype later and I am the owner of the Collector's Edition no less!

While I had a rocky introduction the first night I have gradually gotten a feel for the game. While I will by no means be completing on any significant level, I am and will enjoy this game for sometime to come.

For now my character of choice is Sagat (pictured above). He is pretty bad ass! It seems like the world has been bitten by this Street Fighter bug. Have you yet?

Street Fighter®


Comment (1)

I followed the masses with this game as well. I wasn't really planning on getting either, but I'm glad I did.

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